Ethical Hacking Week 1
This is the first day of ethical hacking course, we learn about the work of an ethical hacker.
Ethical hacker is an individual who perform penetration testing with the owner’s permission. Unlike hackers or crackers, ethical hacker follows the rule of the law.
Penetration testing is a legal attempt to break into a company’s network to find their weak link.
There are a few models for penetration testing:
- White box model
- This model makes it easier for the tester to do their job
- Tester are told everything about the network topology and technology
- Tester is authorized to interview IT personnel and company’s employee
- Black box model
- Company’s staff do not know about the test.
- Tester is not given details about the network
- Is used to test security personnel if they are able to detect an attack
- Gray box model
- The tester is given partial information
- Which is why it is a hybrid of white box and black box model
The homework for today is to learn about the law on ethical hacking in Indonesia by reading the ‘Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik’
How to install Kali Linux in a virtual machine:
- You need to install a virtual box inside your computer
- Click on the host to install the package:
- Click windows host if you are using windows or click OS X host if you are using Mac
- Once the virtual box is installed go to “”.
- Go to the Download tab and you will see another page like below
- You can then see the different versions of kali
- Download one of the kali (Mine is the Kali Linux 64 Bit which is 2.8G)
- Once the download is done, run the file it should redirect you to the virtual box
- Follow the instruction and then you will have your kali linux!